Getting Started with PHP-Fusion
Before adjusting any settings, you should have an idea of what your site visitors need. Will you need a discussion forum or not? Are you allowing visitors to register as members? Will you be offering downloads? However, there is no need to worry as all these settings can be changed to suit through trial and error.
Main things to consider
Theme/Colour Scheme: PHP-Fusion comes with 10 themes in the download. However, there is a very active theme design community and you're sure to find one to suit your requirements from the hundreds available.
Site Membership: If you are planning on allowing visitors to register on your site, there are a couple of things you need to think about.
- Email or Admin Registration; Only allowing Admin activated membership will help greatly to keep a tight control of who can post in your site. However, if also means some people wil have to wait before posting and that could be off putting to some.
- Member Only Sections; Are you planning on having parts of your site that are accessible to members or members of user groups only. This can be done as you go along but, it's a good idea to decide early so there is no content that you may not want publicly visible.
- Site Rules; It's a good idea to set some simple rules or guidelines early on. This may not seem important when you only have a handful of members but it could make resolving conflicts far easier later on when you have a larger membership. A good place to start would be to write in some Terms of Agreement in Registration Settings. That way you have a basic set of rules that all members have agreed to abide by.
Visitors Needs: What does your site have to offer to visitors? Can the site be easily navigated? Is it absolutely necessary to insist on registration for certain sections, eg; Downloads? Do you have more forum categories than you need? Have you set the more relevant info, ie; panels in the right place?
Flash files, Intro pages and other "Bells and Whistles" are all fine in the right place, but can become annoying if they get in the way. Try to look at your site like a first time visitor and see if it's easy to find your way round.
Basic Security: While hackers do present a serious problem to website administrators, you're more likely to come across spam on a day to day basis, modern spambots are becoming quite sophisticated in getting their "payload" onto a site. So, there are several simple measures you can take to keep your site and it's content safe, secure and relatively spam free. Though, it's not possible to guarantee complete success.
- Do not use simple words or phrases as passwords, try to use random letters and numbers. Encourage your Admins to do the same. Keep your passwords in a safe place, preferably in an encrypted archive.
- Change all administrator paswords regularly, this can be done using the "Admin Password Reset" page in User Admin.
- Check for PHP-Fusion upgrades on a regular basis as many updates are security related.
- Only allow Admins access to areas that they need to do their job.
There are certain sections that if abused could cause serious damage;
1. Custom Pages
2. DB Backups
3. Panel Management
4. Admin Management
- Ensure that those you give access to these and other sections, especially those in Settings and System Admin are to people that you trust.
- Use the Blacklist facility when banning spammers or spambots as they often use multiple email addresses.
- Back up both your files and your database on a regular basis as if your site is compromised and you don't have a recent back up a lot of data could potentially be lost.
- Only use addons that are recommeded or guaranteed as safe from a trusted source. If you are in doubt about a particular addon or modification, ask first in our community forums.
Configuring your site
Before you start to add content to your site, you first need to set it up to suit your individual needs. Below is a list of the administration settings each linked to an brief explanation as to what they do and how to use them.
N.B. For more detailed information, please refer to the Users Handbook, see link at top.
Content Admin | User Admin |
System Admin | Settings |
Infusions are addons that you can install on your site. There are hundreds available, they're also very easy to install. In a newly installed site, your infusions section will be empty as there are none infused [installed] yet. For more on managing Infusions read here. We recommend you only use Addons from reliable sources. There are over 400 to choose from in our official Addons database which are all fully tested.CONTENT ADMIN
Articles Categories must be created before you can add any articles. Fill in the fields and set them to display by the order of your choosing and who will be allowed to view them.
Category Name: Enter the name of the category.
Category Description: Enter in the a brief description of the category, if you want.
Category Sorting: Choose whether to list your articles by Article ID, Subject name or date of posting either in ascending or descending order.
Category Access: Decide who gets to view your article.
Category: Choose from the dropdown which category your article is in.
Subject: Enter the name of your article.
Snippet: The snippet will display in the article categories list. It can be the first few lines of your article or a separate introduction. It can also be left blank if you just want the article names listed only.
Article: The text for the main body of your article.
HTML Buttons: The HTML buttons [if TinyMCE is disabled] allow you some minimal formatting for the text of your article.
- Page Break - You can break up large articles into seperate pages by using the "<--PAGEBREAK-->" button.
- b - For making text bold
- i - Put text in italics
- u - For underlinig text
- link - Add a web link by highlighting web address [URL]and click the link button.
- img - Add an externally hosted image by highlighting image web address [URL] and click the img button.
- center - For centering text
- small + small2 - Reduced text size.
- alt - Alternative text style, [dependent of theme].
Select Image - Add an image from your Article Images folder.
Save as Draft - Tick this box if you wish to save the article but not publish it publicly, very useful for unfinished articles or articles awaiting review.
Automatic Line-Breaks - Will automatically add line breaks to your text.
Enable Comments - Allows members to post comments on the article, [if globally enabled - see also].
Enable Ratings - Allows members to rate the article, [if globally enabled - see also].
The site owner and administrators with access can create custom pages, which can be linked to the navigation box on the front page or called from a link on another page.
Page Title: Enter name of custom page
Page Content: Enter in the page content, this can be anything from text only to full HTML content. if you have TinyMCE enabled, you can use it to edit your Custom Pages.
Add link to navigation menu: - Tick the box if you want the page link to show in your navigation menu.
Enable Comments: - Allows members to post comments on the page, [if globally enabled - see also].
Enable Ratings: - Allows members to rate the page, [if globally enabled - see also].
Before downloads can be added, categories must first be created. The categories can be edited later even if there are downloads in that category. However, you cannot delete a category containing downloads, you must first move all downloads to another category.
Category Name: Enter category name.
Category Description: Enter name of download category.
Category Sorting: Choose whether to list your adownloads by Download ID, Subject name or date of posting either in ascending or descending order.
Category Access: Decide who gets to access the category.
The downloads system allows your visitors to download files, it includes a download counter which shows you how many times it has been downloaded. Each category can have it's own level of access ranging from Super Administrators to general public. See Settings - Downloads to set file typr
Title: Enter download title.
Description: Write in a description about the download.
URL: If already uploaded to your site, you can enter in the path to the file to be downloaded, eg; /downloads/
Upload: Use the browse button to navigate to the required file on your PC.
Category: Select download category
License: If applicable, enter in download license type.
O/S: If applicable, enter in Operating System that your download is compatible with.
Version: Download version number.
Filesize: If required enter in size of file, if left blank filesize will be calculated automatically.
Current Downloads List of existing downloads. Click the the down arrow to view downloads in a particular category. Edit and delete as needed.
FAQ is short for Frequently Asked Questions. This is a list of questions and answers that you can input to help your members get answers without having to post or otherwise contact you. You must set one or more categories before you can add the questions and answers. There are HTML buttons you can use if you wish to format the text. [These are explained in Articles here]
Category Name: Enter category name.
Category Description: Enter a brief description of the category to help members find the relevant information to their query.
Category: - Select the category of choice.
Question: - Enter your question text.
Answer: - Enter the answer.
You can have as many or as few forums or your site as you like. Though, too many categories may make it harder for visitors to post in the right place. Decide how many categories you really need for your sites content and then the type and subject of each forum in that category. Forums can be moved from one category to another afterwards if needed. You can set up forums here using the default settings. If you want to change them to suit go to Forum Settings
Add Forum Category
Category Name: - Before you can add in forums, you need to create one or more categories. Enter in the category name and if desired a brief description.
Add Forum Forum Name: - Enter the name of the forum.
Forum Description: - A brief description will make it easier for your members to know where best to post.
Forum Category: -Decide which category your forum will be in.
Order: - If you have several categories, they can be moved up or down depending on the order set, top category is 1 and so on.
Current Forums Category/Forum
As you create your forums, you'll see this list display them in the order that you have set. If you want to change anything, click edit. This will open the Edit Forum panel. You'll see that that the default settings are set to allow the public to view but only members can post, add attachments, create polls, etc. These can all be changed to suit your needs, you may want an Admin only forum or a forum for a particular user group. Post Merger if enabled will automatically merge consecutive posts by the same member. Under Forum Moderators is a list of all user groups or Administrators who can be set as moderators. Just click on the group and will jump across to the right hand box, clicking in the right box will remove them.
See also - Forum Settings
You can upload images to your site using this form. Main Images: this folder would contain general images you use in one or more places around your site. The other destinations are Article Images, News Images and News Cat Images, each of which are specifically for Articles, News Items and News Category images.
Important: Before using the browse button to navigate to the required image on your PC, click the category you want to load it to first and then click the "Upload Image" button. You then have two options to either view an image or delete it.
Please note: deleting an image removes it completley from your server. If you want to use it again, save a copy before deleting!
You can post news items which will appear on the front page of your site, they can either be categorized or not, arranged in single or double column, [See also News Categories and Settings News.] as well as various other settings, listed below.
Current News This is a dropdown list of all your current news items, you can select one for editing or deletion.
Add News
Subject: Enter in the name of your news item
Category: If you want the item to appear in a particular category, choose from the dropdown. If not, it will appear in Uncategorized News items.
News Image: Use this upload field if you want to replace the default category image with an image of your own. To edit the allowable file size, go to Settings News.
News: This is also known as a news snippet, whatever you type in here is what will appear on your front page. For small items, it is not necessary to use extended news.
Extended News: If your posting a large news item, post the bulk of it here.
Start Date: You can set an item to appear sometime in the future, leave blank if not needed.
End Date: You can also set an item to be automatically removed from view sometime in the future, leave blank if not needed.
Visibility: Set who gets to view the item.
- Save as Draft: If an item is not finished or not ready for publication, tick the box where it will be marked as [Draft] and will be hidden from view.
- Make this news item sticky: A Sticky item will remain at the top regardless of posting date.
- Automatic Line-Breaks: For large amounts of text, this will place line breaks in your item to break the text up into several pages.
- Enable Comments: Allow users to comment on the item. [Global Comments must be enabled - see Settings Miscellaneous]
- Enable Ratings: Allow users to rate your item. [Global Ratings must be enabled - see Settings Miscellaneous]
PHP-Fusion comes preloaded with 16 news categories and their respective images, these can be edited or deleted to suit your sites requirements.
Category Name: Enter News Category Name
Category Image: Select respective image for that category
Click Here to upload category images: Use this link to load up your own category images.
This form allows you to create photo albums.
Title: Enter Album name
Description: A brief description, if desired.
Access: Set who gets to view the album images.
Order: For multiple albums, use this to set the order in which they're displayed.
Thumb: Upload a thumbnail image for this album.
Current Albums To view or edit an album, click it's thumnail image.
Album X: Add Photo Use this form to upload an image to this album.
Album X: Current Photos: This displays all the images in the album, use the links to edit, delete or reorder your images.
You can set polls for your members to vote on about any subject you like. [Members Poll panel must be enabled in panels management]
Poll Title: Enter text of the poll subject, eg; What do think of my site?
Option 1,2, etc: Enter in answers for members to choose from, eg; Like it, It's ok, Hate it and so on to a maximum of 10 answers.
A member will not be able to view the results from others voting until after he has voted. After a period of times when a new poll is created, the full results of the previous poll are then displayed in Polls Archive.
Weblinks are a collection of website addresses that you or your members think may be interesting or of value to others. Before web links can be posted, the categories need to be created.
Category Name: Enter category name
Category Description: A brief description, if desired.
Category Sorting Set in what way they will be listed.
Category Access Set who gets to view this category.
Current Web Link Categories You can edit or delete your current categories here.
Once the categories have been set, you can add links. Your members can also submit links using the submission system. Admin approval is needed before they can be published.
Site Name: Enter site name
Description: A brief description or a few lines from the site itself, if desired.
Site URL: Enter full site URL, it must include http://. A clicked web link will open in new browser window.
Category: Choose which category the link goes into.
Current Web Links Web Link [Click to Test]
Options You can test, edit and delete exisiting web links here.
As an extra security precaution all Administrators passwords can be routinely reset and the reason logged. Each affected admin will receive an email with their new login details.
You can promote any member you want to the position of Administrator, [aka; Admins]. Admins have increased access, especially in forums where they automatically have full moderator access. You can set which parts of the Administration section that they can have access to. Choose carefully, it is a good idea only to allow admins access to sections that they would need to carry out their duties. You should try to minimize the number of people who have full access for security reasons. Admins elevated to Super Administrator level have full access to all sections.
Search for users to add using the form below. If you want to promote one of your members to Admin, enter either their username or user id in the form field, select correct radio button and click search. Tick the button beside the member you want to make Admin, choose whether to give them full access, if not you can go back later and edit the settings to give access to whichever sections you want. You can also choose to make the member a Super Administrator, who automatically get full access.
Edit Administrators
To edit an Administrator, just click Edit beside the name. You will then see a list of all sections of the site. Tick the boxes of the sections you want to allow access, enter your Admin password and save.
N.B. Some areas are more security related than others, so only give access to those areas to people you trust. Eg; Custom Pages, Database Backup. See Handbook for more.
The Blacklist is a list of all email addresses or domains and IP addresses you want to prevent from accessing your site.
Blacklist IP address: Enter the IP address you wish to block.
Blacklist email address Enter the email address [] or even the full domain if required []
Blacklist Reason For reference you can add a reason to each blacklist entry.
Blacklisted users This is list of all blacklists you've entered. Use the edit link if you want to change any details of a particular record.
You can set your own rank names for your forums depending on number of posts. Moderators, Admins ans Super Admins have set ranks which are not affected by post count. Forum ranks must first be enabled. Go to the Forum Settings Admin Panel to enable. Admin Password required.
Add Rank
Rank Title: Enter the rank name
Rank Image: Select the image to correspond with the rank
Rank Posts Set the number of posts required for the rank to be achieved
Apply to: Select the user level this rank applies to.
This shows all the ranks and their respective levels you have chosen, to alter just click Edit.
You can view, edit, suspend, anonymize, cancel, ban or delete any members [user level 101] using this page.
View Members Use the dropdown to view whichever member status you want.
Add Member Use the Add Member link to manually enter a new member, you will need their email address for this.
Once logged in, the new member can edit their password and other settings in edit profile if they choose.
Ban This will prevent a member from logging in to the site permanently.
Security Ban This is from automatically done from flood control.
Suspend This will prevent a member from logging in to the site for a specified length of time
Cancel Users can request their membership be deleted and all posted information by them be deleted.
Anonymize Same as Cancelled, but posted information remains visible but user name changed to Anonymous
Delete Awaiting Clarification
Members can submit articles, photos, news items, weblinks and downloads. The submission will not be published onsite until an Admin has viewed and approved the submission. Submissions can be viewed by an Admin in the Admin Panel.
User fields are various fields which gather information about your members and are displayed in their profile, most of which can be edited by the member themselves in Edit Profile. Though, there are also some fields which cannot be edited like Statistics. There are also user fields available which are only visible to Admins for security and other management purposes.
Add User Fields Category
You can add more categories using this simple form if needed. Select Required to force users to fill in that particular field. Select Log if you want a user action for that user field to be recorded.
Current User Fields Category
Use the options links to edit or delete existing categories.
View and configure all uploaded user fields on your site.
Enabled User Fields This displays a list of all enabled user fields in each category. Use the arrows to move them up or down depending on how you want them diplayed in profiles. User fields can be set as "Required" if needed to forcae the user to fill out that field. If logging is also checked, the user action will be recorded in the User Log.
Disabled User Fields These are the user fields that are loaded to your site but not enabled.
User groups can be created to control access to forum threads, news, custom pages, site links, links categories and article categories.
Group Name: Enter the name of the group
Group Description: A brief description. [not required]
Once you've created a group, you need to click edit to add members to it. Enter in a members name or their ID number and click search. You can search for multiple users by separating each entry with a comma. If the correct members are listed, tick the box beside the names and click "Add selected users".
All user actions are recorded here for any user field that logging has been enabled for. They can be searched by either User Name or ID number. There is also a facility of deleting old logs.
If you want to replace your site logo with something else or you want a second banner, image or even an advert, you can use the banner manager.
Banner 1: Enter in the code or image path you wish to display in the left hand side of your header, try testing with preview before putting it live.
Banner 2: Enter in the code or image path you wish to display in the right hand side of your header, try testing with preview before putting it live.
You need to enter your Admin Password to both preview and save.
BB-codes stand for Bulletin Board Codes – it's a mark up language used to format messages primarily on bulletin boards [Forums]. They are mostly a safe way for members to format the text in their postings without being able to input harmful code that could damage or or be used to attack your site.
The BB Code pages shows a top list of your enable BB codes and the bottom list shows a list of loaded but not enabled bb codes. It's a simple matter of enabling or disabling whichever ones you choose. The list shows the image to denote that BB code as well as the code to use it on the site. To make use of them on your site, jusat either click the image or type in the bb code and that's it.
There are too many BB Codes available to list their functions here, it is best to try them out yourself and see which ones you want and which ones you don't. You do not need your admin password to enable/disable BB Codes.
From time to time it is strongly recommended to back up your database. You should make sure you back it up at regular intervals depending on how busy your site is, once a week at the very least. To backup up the entire database, just enter your admin password and click the Backup button.
The Error Log is an automatic Administrators tool for logging any errors generated on your site. If an error is detected a warning box will appear at the bottom of your site under the footer with a link to the Error Log itself. The cause of the error can be viewed in the entry and once fixed any or all log entries can be deleted.
Install and Uninstall Addons for your site known as Infusions here.
Infusions: The names of all uploaded Infusions in your infusions folder.
- Not Infused: These are your infusions displayed in red in the dropdown menu and are the infusions uploaded but not yet infused [installed].
- Infused: These are displayed in green in the dropdown menu and are all the infusions that have been installed.
- Upgrade Available: These are displayed in blue in the dropdown menu and are installed infusions that have a new version uploaded but not yet updated.
The basic layout of a PHP-Fusion web site is based on panels. There are three main panels (left, centre and right). And each panel is made up of a number of separate subpanels. You can configure these panels in Panels Management. The page will show a list of all the panels that have been added to your site. The Panel manager now incorporates "Drag and Drop" for configuring your panels.
Panel Name: List of loaded panel names
Side: Use the arrows to drag panels from one side of your site to the other.
Order: Use the arrows to drag them up or down depending on your needs.
Access: Which lelel of user can access this panel.
Options: Edit, enable/disable or delete your panels here.
Add New Panel: Use this link to add a new panel, which can be either a pre-made panel already loaded to your infusions folder or you can enter in the code directly without the need for loaded files.
If it is to be a code based panel, enter the code into the Panel Content field, use the preview button to test.
If it's a file based panel in your infusions folder, enter in the Panel name, select it from the dropdown. Enter in your Admin password, select panel side and access level and save.
Enter which if any pages you want either to include or exclude the panel.
It it's configured as a center panel, then select either U-Ctr [Up Center] or L-Ctr [Lower Center].
Enter your Admin password and either Preview or save.
PHP Info is a server side built-in function which will display all the information about the version of PHP installed on your server. It can used for reference as well as support issues. It is not editable.
Web Robots (also known as Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders), are programs that traverse the Web automatically. Search engines such as Google use them to index the web content, spammers use them to scan for email addresses, and they have many other uses. This form can be used to prevent web robots from indexing your pages if required. Use the link at the top of the form if you need more information on this subject.
For configuring all your sites links in the navigation menu. [Navigation panel must be enabled in panels management]
Add Site Link
Use this form to add new links to your navigation menu. Enter the txt of the link and then the Link URL which sould be relative to your sites root directory. If you want to add a new line break in the link list, enter 3 dashes [ --- ] into Link URL.
Set link access, order and position. Admin password not required.
Current Site Links
This displays a list of all exisiting links, use the arrows to drag them up or down. They can also be edited or deleted.
Smileys are fun face images that are common on the internet and are to used to express a particular emotion when posting.
To add new smileys, the image must first be uploaded to your images/smiley folder. This cannot be done from inside PHP-Fusion and must be done direct to your server by your FTP client.
Smiley Code: Enter the code a member can input to use your smiley.
Smiley Image: Choose the corresponding image from the dropdown menu.
Smiley Preview Your chosen image is displayed.
Smiley Text: A word to denote emotion of this smiley.
Options Smileys can be edited or deleted.
From time to time, PHP-Fusion issue upgrades to your sites software. Most of these upgrades will contain a file called "upgrade.php" which is to be placed in the administration folder. Sometimes, the database needs to be altered or it may just be a version number change. Regardless, it's good practice to always run the upgrade whenever one is released. Visiting this page will tell you whether you need to update or not.
Maximum size uploads:This sets the size of any files uploaded to your site, either by you, your Admins or members [if allowed]. This is important as if set too high you could quickly run out of space on your sites server. The default setting is 32000 bytes [1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes]. You can increase this just by entering a multiple of 1024 to suit your needs.
Allowed file types: This is an important security consideration as certain file types can be used to cause damage on your web server or contain malicious code for download to your members/visitors. The default file types of zip, rar, tar, bz2 and z7 are what's known as archive files and are the standard on the web for downloading files. Never allow files like .exe as they are executable files which could be used to run remotely on visitors computers without their knowledge.
Maximum screenshot size: Set maximum width and height for submitted screenshots.
Maximum screenshot file size (bytes): Set maximum file size in bytes
If you are hosting a discussion forum on your site, you may want to alter the default settings if needed.
Number of forum threads to show:This sets the number of threads that will display in the Forums Threads List Panel [if enabled - see Panel Management] that is featured on the front page of your site. The default is set at 5 threads, you can increase it if you wish. Remember not to have too many displaying as this will push down any content that is set below it.
Show IP Publicly:If you want your members IP [Internet Protocol] address to be visible to the public. Default setting is No. This is a personal choice, though some members may not like this information publicly available. If set at No, you as an Administrator will still be able to view IP addresses in all sections.
Attachments max size: This is similar to the file upload setting above. If you allow file attachments in any of your forums, you'll need to set a limit to prevent your members from uploading overly large files. The file size is measured in bytes with the default set at 150000 which is approximately 1.14Mb.
Allowed file types: Again similar to file uploads, this setting allows you you set which file types can be loaded to your server. The default file types are: gif, jpg, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z. The first three are the standard web image file types, while the other are archive file types which are used all over the internet and can be regarded as safe.
Enable forum thread notification: Default set at No. If enabled, your members will have an option to be sent an email any time a reply has been posted to a particular thread. This is a very handy facility for your members, though on very large or busy sites it could increase your bandwidth more than you'd like.
Enable forum ranks: This allows a ranking system to be enabled for your Admins and Moderators in your forums, [See User Admin - Forum Ranks for more].
Lock Edit: A simple Yes or No choice of whether you want to lock out your members from editing their own posts. This is a very useful for fixing errors and typos, etc. Whenever a post is edited, the time and date and name of the editor will display under the post.
Time limit for editing posts: If "Lock Edit" is set at No, you can choose for how long users are allowed to edit their post. Enter zero for unlimited time.
Popular thread time threshold: Sets how long a thread is flagged as "New". Default is set at 1 week.
Show latest posts below reply form? Set the number of posts from the thread to display when using the post reply form.
To set any altered settings, you must enter your admin password.
Set how many items per page to show in each section.
Set your site name and other site information.
- Settings
- Site name: The name of your new site.
- Site banner: Enter the name and path to your logo. Eg; images/my_logo.jpg
- Site e-mail address: This is the site e-mail used for the Contact Me page, etc.
- Your name or nickname: The site owners name.
- Site Address
- Site Protocol: Select https if your site is on a secure server, otherwise use http
- Site Host: The domain name of your site, [eg;]
- Site Path: The folder level from root directory, [eg; /myfolder/]
- Site Port: If your site uses a different server port from standard.
- Preview: The true url to your homepage, [eg;]
- Other settings
- Site introduction: Used with the panel welcome_message_panel for a short site introduction.
- Site description: Used as meta tags for search engine purposes.
- Site keywords: Used as meta tags for search engines purposes.
- Site footer: Used in most themes to display a short foot note.
- Site opening page: Default page all visitors will be brought to when first accessing your site.
- Site locale: Set default language.
- Site theme: Change the theme for your site.
- Default search location: Used for search function.
- Exclude Panels: Exclude left/right/top/bottom panels on any given page.
Set up Miscellaneous settings like:
Use TinyMCE HTML editor? TinyMCE is an easy to use word processor that comes included with PHP-Fusion for those who may find posting articles and news items using the HTML buttons a little off putting. If you have no experience of using HTML then we would suggest you use it.
SMTP Host, Port, Username and Password: SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol which is the Internet standard for e-mail transmissions. You should check with your web host as to whether you need to fill in these fields or not.
Allow Guests to post? If enabled, visitors to your site can post in comments and the shoutbox, but not in the forum. A captcha check will display to prevent automated bots from spamming your site. However, if you allow this you will have no way of controlling who posts on your site.
Enable comments system: PHP-Fusion allows for members to comments on certain things like photos, news items, and other sections. If you don't want to allow this disable the setting. If enabled, comments can be turned on or off for each individual article, photo, news item, etc.
Comments Sorting
Choose whether you want the comments diplayed by latest or oldest at the top. Enable ratings system: Articles, News Items, Photographs and Custom pages can be rated by members if enabled. You then have the choice to allow each individual item to be rated or not.
Enable visitor counter? This enables/disables the unique visitor counter in the footer of your site. It will work in all themes that have the showcounter function included.
Display render time (in footer)? If written into your theme, the render time can be displayed in the site footer. This is the time it takes the page to load.
Various settings for your news items.
Image link: Each News category has it's own image and if selected when creating a news item will display in the item itself. When the image is clicked the default setting [Category] will take the visitor to the News Category page listing all news categories and any news items in each category. However, changing the setting to News items will then bring the visitor to the news item itself, the same as the "Read More" link under each item.
Image on Front-page: Choice between using images you can upload for each news item or using News category images in news item. If select uploaded photo, it will display category image if no image has been uploaded for a particular news item.
Image on Read-more: For all "Extended News" items, [see Add News], the Read More link will open the full news item. This settings allows for the choice between uploaded image or news category image to be displayed.
Image Upload
Thumb Ratio: When you upload an image, the system will automatically create a thumbnail image, [smaller version] to display on the front page [if enabled]. This setting allows for either the original height and width ratio to be maintained or for it to be forced into a square.
Thumb size: Set the width and height of the thumbnail images. If original ratio is set, only width will be applied.
Photo size: Set height and width of full image to be displayed in Read More.
Maximum photo size: Setting for maximum size allowed for images to be uploaded. Images larger than this will not upload.
Maximum file size (bytes): Set the maximum size [weight] of uploaded images in bytes. Default is set at 150000 which is approximately 1.14Mb.
If you are planning on including photo galleries, these are the various settings you may need to alter.
Thumb size: Set the width and height of the thumbnail images. If original ratio is set, only width will be applied.
Photo size: Set height and width of the image which will display in photo album.
Maximum photo size: Setting for maximum size allowed for images to be uploaded. Images larger than this will not upload.
Maximum file size (bytes): Set the maximum size [weight] of uploaded images in bytes. Default is set at 150000 which is approximately 1.14Mb.
Thumb compression method: This is dependant on host server settings. Default is GD2, if this doesn't work select GD1. Otherwise contact your host.
For reference: [see:]
Thumbs per row: Set the number of photo thumbs to display in each row in your album(s).
Thumbs per page: Set the number of photo thumbnail images to display per page in your album(s).
Enable photos watermark: If enabled, this will add a watermark image to your photos. You will need to make one to suit your needs. N.B. this setting is retroactive and will add watermarks to previously loaded photos.Specify PNG watermark: Set the path to your watermark image, it must be .png format.
Save generated watermark? If watermarking is enabled, each time a photo is visited the server has to create the combined image. This could greatly increase the server load on a busy site. To prevent this, you can set this setting to yes which which will save the image once and not have to be created each time the photo is viewed. This will however, take up more disc space on your web server.
Enable text description on photos: This will add album and photo name to your photos.
Album title colour, description colour and photo title colour: Set the colours you want for the photo text descriptions. Depending on your photos, this may take some trial and error to get it to display effectively on the images.
Global Private Message settings. Individual user options take precedence if they're set. If no user option is set, then the global options are applied.
Inbox message limit: This sets the number of private messages a user can have in their inbox before it's full. No more messages can be received until room is made by deleting some or all messages, [also known as PM's]. This limit does not apply to admins. Enter 0 for unlimited inbox.
Outbox message limit: Same as for inbox.
Archive message limit: Same as for inbox.
Email notification? If set to yes a member will receive an email alerting them to a new private message. Once set this choice will display in members message options.
Save sent PM's? Your members may wish to keep a copy of send pm's. Once set this choice will display in members message options.
If you want to allow membership registration on your site, edit these settings.
Enable registration system? Yes/No - allow member registration or not.
Use email verification for registration? Yes/No - If registration is enabled, you can verify a potential member's email address by turning this setting on. The person registering will receive an email with an individual link they have to click in order to activate their account.
New members activated by admin? If set to Yes, no new members accounts will be activated unless approved by an administrator.
Display validation code? The validation code is displayed in the registration form, it helps prevent automatic registrations by spambots and other malicious software. It is strongly recommended you leave this turned on.
Enable terms of agreement? You can insist that all new members registering on your site agree to certain terms and conditions set by you.
Terms of Agreement: Enter your terms and conditions, there are text formatting buttons provided allowing you to format the text,add image(s) and links as desired.
Captcha Settings: Captcha is the auto generated verification code used in several places on your site as a security precaution to prevent automated programs known as bots from gaining access to your site through the form. Choose which of the three captchas you wish to use. If you choose reCaptcha, you will need to acquire your free "Keys" first.
Flood interval (seconds): This sets the time in seconds during which a member cannot post again.
Flood Auto Ban: If any member or automated bot breaks the flood limit, they will be automatically banned.
Bad words filter enabled? This will enable a filter to prevent users from using language that you or your visitors may find objectionable or to prevent certain spam words from being entered.
Bad words list: If enabled, enter in each word you wish to block, one word per line. Enter as many as you like.
Bad word replacement: This is what will display instead of the offending word.
Maintenance level: Set the user level of who can access the site while it is in maintenance mode. [N.B.. Site owner is user id #1]
Maintenance mode: Selecting On will put the site into maintenance mode which prevents guests and members [and admins, if level set] from accessing the site. They will be greeted by the maintenance page containing the message you enter. Those of sufficient level who can still access the site will see a warning at the top as a reminder that the site is locked out.
Maintenance mode message: This is the message guests and members will see when visiting the site.
Use these settings to alter how the time and/or dates display around your site. Select the format required and then click the >> button to set it. Once all formats are set, click Save Settings to update the database.
Use these global settings to manage your membership.
De-activation system enabled: The De-activation system depending on settings below allows for automatic handling of inactive users.
Allowed period on inactivity: Number of days inactive before the de-activation is started. Default is 1 year.
Response before deactivation action: Number of days to respond to deactivation notification email. Default is set at 2 weeks.
Deactivation Action: Choose between user account deletion or Anonymize user. Anonymizing a user replaces their username wherever it is appears on your site with "Anonymous User". N.B. Admins and above can still view the username.
User Profile Settings
Hide user profiles from public: If you do not want your users profile to be publicly visible, select no.
Avatar size Set the maximum height and width for your users avatars.
Maximum image size (bytes): Set the maximum filesize in bytes for your users avatars.
Allow users to change user name? Allowing users to alter their user names could cause confusion. However, if choose to do so it would be a good idea to enable logging on the user name user field to keep track of who's who.
Allow users to change theme? If enabled users can change the theme they view the site in.
Official PHP-Fusion Documentv1.2
Author(s): Philip Daly | Johan Wilson
Author(s): Philip Daly | Johan Wilson
Disclaimer: While we endevour to provide clear and informative guidance, the information in this document is posted in good faith and no responsibility can or will be accepted for any consequences arising from it's use.
PHP-Fusion is an Open Source project and is released without warranties under the terms of the GNU Affero GPL v3 licence.
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