Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

What is a BlackBerry ID

What is a BlackBerry ID

Wouldn’t it be great if one key unlocked all the doors you face each day? With BlackBerry® ID, that’s exactly what you get. BlackBerry ID is your single, master key to BlackBerry products, sites, services and applications, including BlackBerry® Protect and the BlackBerry App World™ storefront. So head over to BlackBerry App World to download and purchase new apps instantly. Your BlackBerry ID account can store your favorite payment options, so when you find an app you love, you get it faster. It also helps you keep track of all your apps in one place – whether you download them on your BlackBerry smartphone or your computer. So when it’s time for an upgrade, it’s really easy to scan the list and get your new BlackBerry smartphone set up with the apps you want to keep. Plus, because BlackBerry ID works with BlackBerry Protect, if your smartphone goes missing, there’s no need to panic. Just log in to the BlackBerry Protect website with your BlackBerry ID, and you can lock, locate or wipe it from wherever you are. BlackBerry ID: One login. One password. One less thing to worry about.
  • BlackBerry smartphone
  • BlackBerry ID
CollapseAdditional Information
For assistance with creating a BlackBerry ID, see KB24062.
For assistance with resetting a BlackBerry ID that has been locked out, see KB26361.


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